Natural Beauty from the Garden is available!!
I have some super exciting news. The second edition of my popular DIY Beauty Book "Natural Beauty from the Garden" is fresh off the printing press and available for purchase online! I have a new publisher Ogden Publications - they have those great magazines full of super helpful lifestyle info: Mother Earth Living, Mother Earth News and Heirloom Gardener which I love reading!!
What is new and different in this edition is there are more DIY recipes and also more Garden Tips -- also if you are living a healthy lifestyle we have added more suggestions how you can work your body care products and ingredients into your life. Our skin is our largest organ so making smart choices with the products we are using is the key to health and wellness -- I say "What goes on you goes in you" and that is so true!
"Today Natural Beauty is more popular than ever -- with a massive number of people creating their own products and even their own brands" Making and using your own products may have started out of necessity for the ancient Egyptians or western Pioneers. Today it is a lifestyle choice!!
You can purchase books online on the Mother Earth News site or on Amazon.
and also right here -- click on the "shop" tab and I can sign the book for you if you would like before I pop it in the mail.
You are Beautiful!!
xoxo Janice