Mother Earth Summer 2020 online!

I have some exciting news -- The Mother Earth Fair News team has put together some amazing videos and information that you can watch at home! This is just like having the Fair Live in your own home -- (well almost as no chickens running around or food trucks but you get the idea.) I am a part of this offering and you can use this link to sign up and also get an early access offer!!
Here it is: Mother Earth News Fair Live
Let me know what you think?? I have talks on Luffa, Lavender and Garden Beauty -- but there is so much more and you can watch over and over. I also think this is a great idea as so many people can't go to the fair this year or have never been!
Enjoy -- and on a personal note I hope you are all safe & well - I miss seeing you all so drop me a note and let me know what's new or what recipes you are using right now.
You are beautiful!!
xoxo Janice