Discover Lavender for Health and Beauty
Discover Lavender
I am speaking tomorrow March 20, 2021 at 12 noon PST at this year’s United States Lavender Growers Association virtual conference. I attended the growers conference today and am in awe of all the amazing farms out there. I hope you all get to visit one this lavender season. My talk is about Discovering Lavender for Health and Beauty – I will be talking about the health benefits of lavender and demonstrating how to create your own body care products. Here are a few of the recipes I will be creating. I also am offering a special 20% discount on my site for all books and I have a limited edition T-shirt for the conference too. The promo code is “Lavender” (You probably guessed that!)
Lavender Hand Cream
1/8 teaspoon borax or baking soda
1/4 cup water
2 Tablespoons grated beeswax or emulsifying wax
1 /2 cup lavender infused olive oil
2-3 drops essential oil of lavender (optional)
Mix together the borax and water in a glass jar or measuring cup and stir well. Mix together the wax and oil in another jar or cup. Place both cups in a water bath on the stove top and heat gently until the wax is melted and the water is very hot but not boiling. Pour the wax mixture into a blender or bowl and slowly add the water mixing well or processing on high until you have a rich creamy mixture. Pour into a clean container and let cool completely. You may have to stir a few times as the cream cools. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil for a stronger scent. To use: Massage into your skin.
Yield: 8 ounces
Lavender Lip Balm & Lotion Bars
1 /2 cup lavender infused coconut oil
1 /2 cup grated beeswax
1 Tablespoon cocoa butter, shea butter or mango butter
2 teaspoons light oil such as almond, avocado or apricot kernel oil
Mix together all ingredients in a heat safe container. I use canning jars and pyrex measuring cups. In a water bath heat gently until all ingredients are melted. Stir to combine. Pour into lip balm tins or tubes. If making lotion bars pour into larger tubes or molds.
Yield: 8 ounces (30 to 40 tubes)
Lavender Bath Bombs
1 cup baking soda
1 cup citric acid powder
1 /2 cup cornstarch
1 /4 cup lavender infused coconut oil
3-4 drops essential oil of lavender (optional)
1-2 tablespoons dried lavender buds
In a large bowl combine the baking soda, citric acid powder and cornstarch. On the stovetop in a water bath melt the coconut oil until liquid. You can also use the microwave just watch it and don’t over heat. Slowly stir the melted oil into the salt mixture until it resembles wet sand and will hold together when squeezed. If you mixture is too wet add a bit more baking soda, too dry a little more oil. Stir in the lavender buds and essential oil. I like to place a few buds inside my molds. Press the bath bomb mixture into a mold (muffin tin, bath bomb mold, ice cube tray). Let sit for a few hours to harden then un-mold and let sit overnight. Store in a dry container. To use: Drop one or two bath bombs into a warm tub of water. You can also use them for foot and hand baths just break into smaller pieces.
Yield: 16 ounces, about 6 bath bombs
Have a great weekend – You are beautiful!
xoxo Janice